Join Pittsburg State University to learn about a series of unfortunate events that happened on December 14th, 2022 aka Finals Week. We will share the timeline, the communication efforts, and steps we are taking to make our redundant connection extra redundant in the future.
Join us for a deep dive into:
-The timeline from the first fiber cut to PSU’s Kansas City path early on 12.14.22. To the 2nd and final blow to PSU’s redundant connection via PSU’s Wichita path at 4:39pm that same day. Did we mention this was Finals Week????
-We will share what we communicated, how we communicated, and the tone in which we communicated. These things matter.
-We’ll discuss how PSU and KanREN worked together to stay informed and educated during a chaotic time 20 hours.
-How PSU’s Disaster Recovery plan served as a guidebook for the PSU IT and Marketing teams throughout the disaster.
-And finally how KanREN and PSU are exploring creative options to avoid such an incident in the future.